10 Home Improvement Ideas to Boost Your Value

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10 Home Improvement Ideas to Boost Your Value

When you live in an area where housing prices are rising and home equity is a precious resource, investing in your home can be a great way to boost its value. That’s especially true if you plan to someday sell it. Here are 10 ideas for upgrading your home that also help increase its value. Some are small projects that won’t cost a fortune, while others may require upfront investment with long-term benefits. Whichever upgrade you choose, the main thing is that they all help make your house more appealing to potential buyers.

Add an Attractive Entry

The front door is the first place prospective buyers will look—so make sure yours is in tip-top shape. Replace any frayed or worn doormats and repair any cracks or dents. Then, consider adding an attractive front door—preferably one made of wood (as opposed to metal or vinyl). New door hardware can also make a big difference in how your house is perceived. If you want to go all out, add a decorative door knocker. Decorative features, like an arched door or stained glass panels, can add $2,000 or more to the value of a home. While a new door will cost several thousand dollars, you can boost the value of your entry without breaking the bank by removing weeds, cleaning up leaves and general mess, painting the door and adding a fresh coat of paint. Also, consider adding a decorative door mat. A quality, custom-made entry can be pricey, but even a modest upgrade can have a big impact on the value of your home.

Brighten and Upgrade Your Bathrooms

Bathrooms are one of your most frequently used rooms in the house, so they’re also one of the areas that will show wear the fastest. Once they start to look tired, they can detract from your home’s value. With frequent use, the tiles, grout and fixtures will start to look dingy; the walls will be scuffed and broken tiles might even fall off. If you want to add value to your home, make sure your bathrooms look clean, new and up to date. A new tile floor, fresh paint on the walls and new fixtures (like faucets, toilets and cabinets) will revive a tired space and make your home look more appealing. The cost will depend on how extensive the renovations are. A minor update—such as new fixtures and paint—will be less than $1,000, while a major makeover could cost $10,000 or more.

Repair and Update Your Roof

A lot of people overlook their roof, but it’s an important part of the house that can add a lot of value to your real estate investment. A roof that is in good condition can add up to $5,000 to the value of your home. A roof repair will be less expensive than a roof replacement—but it will take longer to make your money back. A roof replacement will immediately add value to your home and help you maximize your return on investment. Roof repairs don’t boost your home’s value as much, so you’ll probably have to wait longer to recoup that expense. However, they’re definitely a more affordable option. If you’re considering a roofing replacement, make sure to get a new roof with a long warranty period. That will protect against the risk of having to replace your roof again in the near future.

Add Interior Walls for Increased Privacy

One of the quickest and easiest upgrades you can make is to add interior walls. This is a good option if you want more privacy but don’t want to close off rooms. It’s also a good choice if you want to create a separate space for an office, a playroom or other function without making major renovations. Adding walls will boost your home’s value, but it won’t be a dramatic change. Expect to spend about $600 per wall, with another $500 or so for labor and materials. Remember to factor in permits and other fees when you’re doing your budgeting.

Install New Windows

Replacing your windows is another one of those upgrades that are both functional and aesthetic. New windows can improve the look of your home and add value. Before you buy, make sure you know the features that add value to your house. Your budget will be a big factor in the type of windows you choose. Low-cost windows can be as little as $200 each, while high-end models can cost as much as $1,000. For average-priced models, you can expect to pay around $800 per window. If you plan to sell your home someday, it’s a good idea to go with energy-efficient models. However, those will add a little less to the value of your home than traditional models.

Add Natural Daylight with Solar Brightening

If you’re not able to add additional windows or walls, you can still brighten up a dark room with solar brightening. This is a simple and effective way to make one room look as bright as four. It’s a quick, affordable way to make your home more appealing. Expect to pay around $300 to install a solar brightening system. That investment can add up to $4,000 or more in added value to your home.

Increase Comfort With an Appliance Center

If you’re planning to sell your home, then the kitchen is one of the most important rooms to consider. The best way to impress buyers is to keep it modern and up to date. One way to do this is by adding an appliance center. Appliance centres are built-in cabinets that hold and conceal your appliances. They’re a great way to maximize the use of your counter space and add value to your home. A custom-built appliance center can cost several thousand dollars, but you can also buy less expensive models for around $500 to $1,000. This is a major investment, but one that will pay off in the long run. Once you’ve recouped the cost of the appliance centre, you’ll save money on your utility bills too.

Add a Professional Landscaping Buffer

Are you looking to add curb appeal but don’t have the money for major renovations? A landscaping buffer can add significant value to your home. A professionally designed and installed landscaping buffer can lift your property’s value by $1,000 or more. A landscaping buffer could include a colourful flowering or fruiting plant or shrub, or it could be a decorative wall. It doesn’t have to be big or expensive, but it does have to look good and be well-maintained. A good landscaping buffer can do a lot to improve the look of your home. It will enhance the curb appeal of your property and add value to your investment. This is a relatively inexpensive way to make your home more appealing.

Bring It All Together with Color

Painting your walls can be the cheapest and quickest way to add value to your home. It’s a small investment that can have a big impact on the value of your property. A fresh coat of paint will brighten up a room and make it appear larger. It will also cover up scratches and scuffs that detract from the appeal of your house. The type of paint you choose will also increase your home’s value. Choosing a high-end paint colour can add up to $1,000 to the value of your home. It’s an investment that is well worth it. The best way to increase your home’s value is to improve the curb appeal. A fresh coat of paint is the fastest and easiest way to do that.


Home improvements are a great way to boost the value of your real estate investment. Some upgrades will cost a lot of money, while others are relatively cheap. The important thing is that they all help make your house more appealing to potential buyers. If you’re planning to sell your home, you need to keep these things in mind. A home that looks nice and has modern features will help you sell your home faster and for more money.