10 Ways to Find Development Opportunities in London

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10 Ways to Find Development Opportunities in London

In 2018, the job market in London was a challenging one for tech professionals. The capital’s workforce struggled to find new opportunities for development, with many roles going unfilled due to candidate apprehension and an overabundance of applicants from previous years. London is home to a wide variety of tech companies, from emerging startups and established businesses to research labs and online marketplaces. The sheer quantity of opportunities available within the city means it’s difficult for individuals or companies to stand out enough to be hired by one firm or another. This makes it more important than ever for tech pros to identify new ways of developing their skillset and maintaining visibility among local recruiters.

Be a local expert

One of the easiest ways to attract the attention of recruiters or hiring managers is to be an expert in your local area. If you’re passionate about your community, you can take the initiative to become a leader in knowledge-sharing and industry education. In London, this could mean participating in events or webinars hosted by your local university or finding opportunities to speak at meetups hosted by your city. In the long term, this will likely result in increased exposure and opportunities for you, while simultaneously helping others in your area advance their skill set.

Network with recruitment agencies and brands

One of the most effective ways to stand out from the crowd is to forge relationships with agencies or brands that are actively hiring in your field. When you come across a business or agency that you’d like to work for, make an effort to connect with someone at the company. You can do this by reaching out on social media, emailing a hiring manager, or by following up with an in-person visit if you know where the company is based. In order to make yourself memorable, you’ll want to include your resume and a concise summary of why you’re interested in working for and/or partnering with the company.

Stay up-to-date on current events in your industry

As developers, it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest developments in your field. You should follow the latest news, trends, and research findings in your industry, and be aware of both established and emerging products and services. If you come across a development you aren’t familiar with, be sure to do your research so that you can discuss it with your peers and in job interviews.

Network with other developers

No matter how much you try, you won’t be able to follow every company and recruiter in London. In order to truly stand out from the crowd and get the most out of your job search, you’ll need to network with other developers who actively look for opportunities. Find groups and meetups related to software development in your area. You can also visit any universities in London that have software development programs and see if there are any clubs or groups you can join.

Build an award-winning portfolio

If you’ve been working as a developer for some time, you might have more job experience than you think. If you’ve been taking on freelance projects or working as an intern, you probably have a few portfolios that you can use as references. When you’re deciding which projects to put in your portfolio, you should aim to showcase your ability to solve problems and find solutions. You should also make sure that your portfolio reflects your skill set and career goals.

Build your personal brand and online presence

In addition to building an award-winning portfolio, you should also work on building your personal brand. In the tech industry, personal branding is much more than simply having a good-looking business card or an eye-catching website. It’s about communicating your strengths, weaknesses, and goals to potential clients and employers. It’s about letting people know who you are and what you can do for them.


In order to truly thrive in the London job market, you’ll need to stand out from the crowd. To do this, you’ll need to be a thoughtful and deliberate individual. You’ll need to think strategically about finding opportunities and building your network, and you’ll need to make sure that your tools and work environment are conducive to productivity.