Buying a Bank Repossessed Apartment in London: How to Get the Best Deal

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So you're interested in buying a bank repossessed apartment in London? Here's what you need to know to get the best deal possible.

Buying a Bank Repossessed Apartment in London: How to Get the Best Deal

These days, the housing market is ridiculously competitive. You might feel like you're running into a brick wall when you try to find an affordable place to live. It's not uncommon for people to spend years saving up for a deposit. If you want to buy your own home in London and are about to give up on the search for a new apartment, there's still hope! Bank-owned properties are among the most affordable places to live in London. In this blog post, we will outline some steps on how you can buy a bank repossessed apartment in London.


Where to find bank-owned apartments for sale

Bank-owned properties are a great way to get into the London housing market without spending an arm and a leg. The good news is that these apartments are listed on the U.K.'s HM Land Registry for people to find. You can also use online databases, such as Zoopla, which has information about properties that have been repossessed by banks.


How to determine the best offer

You can buy a bank repossessed apartment in London in one of two ways. The first is to submit an offer for the property and hope that the bank accepts it. However, this is not always an easy task. Most banks ask for very specific details about your finances before they consider an offer from someone like you who doesn't have a perfect credit history.

The second way to buy a bank repossessed apartment in London is to outsource the process to professionals who specialize in this type of transaction. These firms will do all the work of negotiating with the banks on your behalf and then purchasing the property on your behalf, at a price you are happy with.


What you should know about the legal process

You might be surprised to learn that buying a bank repossessed property is not too different from buying a regular home. Once you find an apartment that you like and decide to make an offer, you'll be required to produce funds for the deposit, legal fees, and other costs within 10 days of your purchase. Make sure to speak with your lawyer about the best way to structure your offer.


Closing the deal and after-sales service

After you buy the property, there will be a scheduled date for the closing of the deal. It is essential to keep this date so that you can get rid of the bank's claim to your apartment. If you don't close the deal on time, then you might have to go back to square one or have your funds tied up for months and years ahead.

Your after-sales service is important and it starts as soon as you find a place. Before signing any documents, it's necessary that you're satisfied with all of the details in regards to your purchase. You should also make sure that the apartment has been inspected by a qualified surveyor and they've agreed that it's structurally sound.

It is possible to negotiate with the seller if needed, but only if the issues are minor or can be fixed easily by yourself (e.g., a new kitchen) or through professional services (e.g., replacing carpets). It never hurts to ask, but don’t try and change anything major about your property because these changes could lead to more cost and hassle than expected!



If you are looking for a bargain, bank-owned apartments are a great place to start. Once the housing market starts to recover, these properties will likely become much more expensive, so now is the time to take advantage of the lower prices. But before signing on the dotted line you should be aware of some of the important financial, legal, and practical considerations. As long as you thoroughly research your purchase and know what you are getting into, you can get a great deal on a bank-owned apartment in London.