Finding Affordable Housing in Havering Council

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Finding Affordable Housing in Havering Council

Housing in Havering is a challenge for many people, especially those who are on a low income or just starting out. There is a housing shortage in the borough and the council is working to address this issue. One part of their strategy is focusing on new developments and encouraging developers to build affordable housing. This can be costly for developers, so they need money from the council. The council wants to provide as much funding as possible, but there are some rules for that.


Here are five things you should know about funding from Havering Council and how it can help you find affordable housing in Havering Council.


What is Havering Council?

Havering Council is the local government of Havering. They're responsible for managing the finances, law, and planning in the borough.


The housing shortage in Havering Council

Havering Council is facing a desperate housing shortage - there is a huge demand for affordable homes, but not enough supply. This is an issue that the council has been working to address and recently decided to focus on new developments.

The council wants developers in Havering to build affordable housing so they can provide more options for people looking for housing.

One of the ways that Havering Council can fund these developments is by providing government grants for developers who agree to build certain numbers of affordable homes.

These government grants are subject to some rules, but they offer a great opportunity for you to find affordable housing in Havering Council. Here are five things you should know about funding from Havering Council and how it can help you find affordable housing in Havering Council.

1) Only developers who agree to build at least 15% of their properties as affordable can apply for funding from the council 2) The maximum amount of money granted will be £2 million 3) Developers have six months from when they hear back about their grant application before construction begins 4) New developments must be built within three years 5) All homes need to be offered at a rent or mortgage less than 60% of local market rates


Landlords and the council

It is quite common for landlords to rent out their properties at inflated rates. These prices are often unaffordable for many people, which means they are forced to spend large amounts of cash on rent. Often these landlords will not accept housing benefit as a form of payment, which means that people on low income have no option but to find an alternative.

If you are a landlord in Havering Council and you want to charge affordable rents, make sure you follow some important guidelines set by the council. The council wants developers to be able to create affordable housing in their developments and charge the right price for this. If you do not follow their guidelines, you might not get your funding from the council.


This is just one example of how landlords can make sure they get their funding from the council. Here are five other things that landlords should consider when looking for funding from Havering Council.

1) Make sure your property has been properly maintained and up-to-date with building regulations

2) Offer good customer service and be approachable

3) Ensure security measures like CCTV cameras have been installed in the property

4) Limit waiting time for tenants who require access to social care services or have disabilities

5) Make sure there are a high number of amenities within your development


Funding and Affordable Housing

Havering Council provides funding for affordable housing. This can be used to help with the development of new affordable housing or it can be used to help renovate existing homes into more affordable homes. The council is trying to solve the housing problem in Havering, so they are willing to provide as much money as needed.


Understand the rules and regulations: If you want to apply for this funding, you'll need a good understanding of what types of developments qualify and who can apply.


Get a building plan approved: In order to apply for this funding, you will need a building plan that has been approved by your local planning authority. Make sure that your application also complies with other local regulations, such as parking spaces and transport links.


Get approval from the council: You will also need approval from Havering Council before you submit your application for this funding. This approval should include adequate information about how the application will be funded and why it is essential for Havering Council's strategy to support this project.



There are a number of things that you will need to consider when looking for affordable housing in Havering Council and you should be aware that there is not a lot of cheap housing available.

However, if you are looking for a home in Havering Council and are willing to spend a little more money on your property, there are still a few options for you. There are freehold properties, shared ownership properties, and rented properties in the council.

If you are interested in finding affordable housing in Havering Council, consider looking into shared ownership properties or rented properties.