How to Correct Incorrect Probate Valuations with Fraser Bond

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Discover steps to rectify incorrect probate valuations. Fraser Bond offers comprehensive support to ensure accurate estate administration. Contact us now!

Incorrect Probate Valuation: Steps to Correct and How Fraser Bond Can Assist


Probate valuation is a crucial step in the administration of an estate following a death. It determines the value of the deceased's assets, which impacts inheritance tax and the distribution of the estate. An incorrect probate valuation can lead to legal complications, disputes among beneficiaries, and financial penalties. This guide will explore what to do if you suspect an incorrect probate valuation and how Fraser Bond can assist you in rectifying the issue.

Understanding Probate Valuation

What is Probate Valuation?

Probate valuation assesses the value of the deceased’s assets, including property, investments, personal belongings, and debts. This valuation is used to determine the estate's total value for probate and inheritance tax purposes.

Importance of Accurate Valuation

Accurate probate valuation ensures:

  • Correct calculation of inheritance tax.
  • Fair distribution of assets among beneficiaries.
  • Compliance with legal requirements.

Steps to Address Incorrect Probate Valuation

1. Identify the Discrepancy

Review the Valuation Report

Carefully review the valuation report provided during the probate process. Identify any discrepancies or items that appear to be incorrectly valued.

Gather Supporting Evidence

Collect documentation that supports your claim of an incorrect valuation. This may include property appraisals, financial statements, and market comparisons.

2. Communicate with the Valuer

Contact the Valuer

If the valuation was conducted by a professional valuer, contact them to discuss your concerns. Provide evidence to support your claim and request a re-evaluation.

Request a Re-Evaluation

If the valuer agrees, request a formal re-evaluation of the assets in question. Ensure this re-evaluation is documented and includes any updated figures.

3. Seek Professional Advice

Consult a Solicitor

If the valuer does not agree to re-evaluate or you need further assistance, consult a solicitor specializing in probate and estate administration. They can provide legal advice and help you navigate the process.

Get a Second Opinion

Consider obtaining a second opinion from another professional valuer. This independent assessment can provide additional support for your claim of an incorrect valuation.

4. Submit a Corrected Valuation to HMRC

Update the Valuation

Once you have the corrected valuation, update the probate records and ensure all relevant documents reflect the accurate figures.

Inform HMRC

Notify HMRC of the corrected valuation as soon as possible. Provide all supporting evidence and documentation to justify the changes. This will help avoid penalties or additional charges.

5. Adjust Inheritance Tax Calculation

Recalculate Inheritance Tax

Based on the corrected valuation, recalculate the inheritance tax owed. Ensure this new calculation is accurate and compliant with HMRC guidelines.

Pay Additional Tax or Request Refund

If the corrected valuation results in additional inheritance tax, ensure it is paid promptly to avoid penalties. If you overpaid due to the incorrect valuation, request a refund from HMRC.

How Fraser Bond Can Assist You

Expert Valuation Services

Fraser Bond offers expert probate valuation services to ensure accurate and fair assessments of estate assets. Our experienced valuers provide detailed and reliable valuations.

Legal Advice and Support

Our team of solicitors specializes in probate and estate administration. We provide comprehensive legal advice and support to address incorrect valuations and ensure compliance with legal requirements.

Dispute Resolution

We offer mediation and dispute resolution services to help resolve conflicts among beneficiaries and other parties involved in the estate administration.

HMRC Liaison

Fraser Bond can liaise with HMRC on your behalf, submitting corrected valuations and negotiating any necessary adjustments to inheritance tax calculations.

Documentation and Compliance

We assist with updating all necessary documentation to reflect corrected valuations, ensuring the estate administration process remains compliant and transparent.

Contact Fraser Bond to learn more about how we can help you address incorrect probate valuations and manage the estate administration process.


An incorrect probate valuation can have significant legal and financial implications. By identifying discrepancies, seeking professional advice, and submitting corrected valuations, you can rectify the issue and ensure compliance with inheritance tax requirements. Fraser Bond is committed to providing the expertise and support you need to manage probate valuations accurately and effectively. Contact us today to discuss your situation and find out how we can assist you.

Explore Probate and Estate Services with Fraser Bond: Learn More