How to Redesign Your Office Space To Make You More Productive

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If you're feeling unproductive in your office, it might be time for a redesign! Here are some tips to help make your workspace more functional.

How to Redesign Your Office Space To Make You More Productive

Working in an office can be frustrating. Before, we were able to go home and relax. Now, many of us are finding that the line between work and leisure is blurred. We need a space where we can recharge and get back to work.

Luckily, there are many things you can do to improve your work environment so that it feels more like home and less like a machine. Learn how to make your office space work for you with these five easy tips!


The Importance of a Productive Work Environment

The office space is a home-away-from-home for many people. With the amount of time we spend in offices, we need this to be a place where we are able to recharge and get back to work. When people enter the office, they want it to feel like a space that supports their efforts, rather than something that is tough on them.

When you design your office space in such a way as to promote productivity, you can create an environment where employees are happier in the workplace, more engaged, and able to get their work done more effectively.

This article addresses five easy ways you can redesign your office space so that it promotes productivity:

1) Reduce clutter and distractions 2) Dim the lights 3) Be mindful of ergonomics 4) Choose furniture with storage 5) Add plants and greenery

These five tips will help you improve your workspace and make it easier on yourself!


Take Note of Your Circadian Rhythm

Your body runs on a cycle called your circadian rhythm. It’s the natural release of hormones that keep you alert and productive during the day and relaxed at night. This is why it’s so important to take note of your sleep schedule.

A lot of us are spending more time in our office than ever before, which means we need to be sure that our sleep schedule stays in check. If you find yourself having trouble sleeping at night or don’t feel like you have enough energy during the day, it might be because you’re not getting enough sleep. The National Sleep Foundation recommends that adults get between seven and nine hours of sleep a night for optimum health.

Take care of your mental health by making sure you are getting enough rest each night, even if it means leaving your phone off overnight. Try using a program or app like f.lux, which changes the light on your screen to mimic natural light cycles, so you won't be as tempted to use your phone before bedtime.>>>END


Make Your Office Space More Relaxing

One of the biggest problems with working in an office is that it can be really difficult to relax if you're constantly struggling to keep your mind on task. To combat this, make sure that there is enough space in your office for a comfortable and cozy place to relax. You can also use calming colors on the walls or furniture to help you feel more at ease.


Improve Your Lighting

The type of lighting in your office can have a huge impact on your productivity. If you're sitting in a dark office, it will make you sleepy and your mood will be affected. On the other hand, if you're sitting in an overly bright office all day long, it can hurt your eyes and your mood.

There are many things you can do to improve the lighting in your office space. You might consider installing natural light wherever possible or adding task lights for specific areas of the office. You might also want to bring some greenery into the space to improve air quality and add some color.

When choosing light fixtures, opt for LED lights which provide more natural-looking light than fluorescent bulbs. You can also use blinds and shades to improve how much light comes into the space depending on what time of day it is or where people are working in the room.


Add Plants to Your Office

One of the easiest ways to make your office feel more like home is by planting plants. Plants can help you feel more calm and relaxed and they provide a natural way to purify the air.

Research shows that people who have plants in their offices are more productive and happier than those without plants.

You may be thinking, "I don't have time for houseplants." But this doesn't mean you can't incorporate them into your office space. For example, a few large houseplants in an open space will filter the air better than one or two smaller ones. And if you're not sure what type of plant is best for your needs, consult a professional or read this article about how to choose the right plants for your office.

Plant life isn't just good for your physical health, it's also good for mental health too! Studies show that people who have plants at work report feeling better emotionally and physically as soon as they walk through the door!


Create a Focal Point for Creative People

Creative people need a space that is inspiring and stimulating. For these types of personalities, it is important to have a focal point for creativity. This could be anything from an inspirational poster to a corner with lots of natural light.


A focal point will help you stay energized and give you something to look forward to when you get home.


Create a Dedicated Desk Area

One way you can create a home-like environment in your office is by designating a desk area. This could be a corner of the room, or it might be an entire wall. In this space, keep your desk and other equipment that you need to get work done.

You might want to consider adding some artwork to the walls in this area. A big family photo or abstract painting should do the trick! You can also add a small bookshelf with some reading material and coffee cups to create a cozy vibe.


Get Rid of Clutter and Toxins From the Office

A cluttered office is a stressful one. It's hard to find the things you need in an environment like that. Clutter can also negatively affect your mental state, as you might feel stressed simply looking at the mess on your desk.

Clutter can be caused by many different things, but usually it starts with not knowing what to do with the overflow of information. If you don't have any good places for office supplies or files, for example, then you'll have to pile them up somewhere else until they're dealt with.

The best way to avoid clutter and keep your space clean is by getting rid of anything that isn't needed. Tossing things that are no longer necessary will give your space a cleaner feel and help your mind focus better during work hours. Keeping only what's necessary clears up mental space and gives you a more relaxed atmosphere in which to work.

Clutter can also come from toxic materials in the office, such as the fumes from printers and photocopiers (especially if they're not used often), chemical cleaners, paints, or air fresheners that are used too often to cover up smells instead of eliminating them. As we spend most of our time in this environment, it's important not to add toxins where we're already spending so much time doing something we love: working! You can get rid of these toxins by being careful about what products are used in the office and how often they’re used (keeping them outside when



For some people, the idea of working from home is ideal because they can take their office with them. For others, they find it difficult to focus when they are surrounded by their children, pets, and other distractions. The truth is that there are many things that can affect your productivity, such as the type of work you do, the time of day you work, and the environment in which you work. It can be difficult to feel motivated when your office space is cluttered and uninviting.


However, if you are an entrepreneur looking to start a small business or a real estate agent looking to sell a home, a clean and organized office space will make you more productive. Start by looking for ways to transform your office space into a productive hub for you and your team. You may need to invest in new furniture or rearrange your space to get rid of clutter. Whatever you do, make sure that you are the one who is in charge of organizing and restructuring your space—you will be more motivated to get things done if it’s your own environment!