How to Sell Your Business with a Lease: A Guide for Tenants

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Discover your rights and steps to sell a business with a lease in the UK. Fraser Bond offers comprehensive support to ensure a smooth and successful transaction.

Can a Landlord Stop You from Selling Your Business? A Guide for Tenants in the UK


Selling a business can be a complex process, and for those who lease their business premises, the terms of their lease can significantly impact the transaction. One of the critical concerns for business owners is whether a landlord can stop them from selling their business. This guide explores the legal aspects of selling a business that leases property, what your rights are as a tenant, and how Fraser Bond can assist you in navigating these challenges.

Understanding Lease Agreements

Lease agreements are legally binding contracts between the landlord and tenant, detailing the terms and conditions under which the tenant occupies the property. These agreements often include specific clauses that can affect the sale of a business. Here are key points to consider:

  1. Assignment and Subletting Clauses:

    • Many commercial leases include clauses that address assignment (transferring the lease to a new tenant) and subletting (renting out part or all of the premises to a third party). These clauses can dictate whether you need the landlord's consent to assign the lease.
  2. Consent to Assignment:

    • Typically, leases require the landlord’s consent before a tenant can assign the lease to a new tenant. The landlord cannot unreasonably withhold consent, but they can impose certain conditions.
  3. Change of Use:

    • If the new business owner plans to change the use of the premises, this may require additional consent from the landlord.
  4. Continuing Liability:

    • Even if the landlord consents to the assignment, the original tenant may remain liable for lease obligations if the new tenant defaults, depending on the lease terms.

Steps to Sell Your Business with a Lease

  1. Review Your Lease Agreement:

    • Carefully read your lease agreement to understand the terms related to assignment, subletting, and any other relevant clauses. Note any requirements for landlord consent and any conditions that may apply.
  2. Prepare Documentation:

    • Gather all necessary documentation, including financial statements, business records, and a copy of the lease. This will be required for the due diligence process by potential buyers and the landlord.
  3. Seek Legal Advice:

    • Consult with a solicitor who specializes in commercial property and business sales. They can provide expert advice on your lease terms and help negotiate with the landlord.
  4. Notify Your Landlord:

    • Inform your landlord of your intention to sell the business and request consent for lease assignment. Provide all necessary information about the prospective buyer to facilitate the landlord's decision.
  5. Negotiate Terms:

    • Be prepared to negotiate with the landlord. They may require certain conditions to be met or ask for additional security from the new tenant.
  6. Complete the Assignment:

    • Once the landlord consents and all conditions are met, complete the legal formalities to assign the lease to the new tenant. Ensure all parties sign the necessary documents.

Legal Protections for Tenants

  1. Landlord and Tenant Act 1954:

    • This act provides some protection to tenants of commercial properties, including the right to renew the lease under certain conditions. However, it does not directly address assignment issues but can affect negotiations.
  2. Unreasonable Withholding of Consent:

    • Landlords cannot unreasonably withhold consent to an assignment. If you believe your landlord is being unreasonable, you may seek legal recourse through the courts.

How Fraser Bond Can Assist

Fraser Bond offers comprehensive services to support business owners in selling their businesses, especially when a lease is involved:

  1. Lease Review and Advice:

    • Our team will review your lease agreement and provide detailed advice on your rights and obligations, helping you understand the implications of selling your business.
  2. Negotiation with Landlords:

    • We can assist in negotiating with your landlord to obtain the necessary consents and ensure that all conditions are fair and reasonable.
  3. Legal Assistance:

    • Our experienced solicitors can handle all legal aspects of the lease assignment, ensuring a smooth and compliant transaction.
  4. Business Valuation and Marketing:

    • We offer business valuation services to determine a fair market price for your business and assist in marketing it to potential buyers.
  5. Ongoing Support:

    • Fraser Bond provides ongoing support throughout the sales process, addressing any issues that arise and ensuring a successful sale.


While a landlord cannot unreasonably prevent you from selling your business, navigating the lease assignment process requires careful attention to detail and legal expertise. Understanding your lease terms and seeking professional advice are crucial steps to ensure a smooth transaction. Fraser Bond is here to support you every step of the way, providing expert guidance and comprehensive services to help you successfully sell your business. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you.