Landlord Not Renewing Tenancy: Comprehensive Guide

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Learn about the steps and legal requirements when a landlord decides not to renew a tenancy. Fraser Bond offers expert advice and support for both landlords and tenants. Contact us today!

Landlord Not Renewing Tenancy in the UK: A Comprehensive Guide


When a landlord decides not to renew a tenancy, both the tenant and landlord need to understand their rights and responsibilities. This guide provides an overview of the key steps and legal considerations for landlords and tenants when a tenancy is not being renewed in the UK.

Key Considerations for Landlords

Legal Requirements

Notice Period

  • Section 21 Notice: For Assured Shorthold Tenancies (ASTs), landlords must serve a Section 21 notice to end the tenancy without giving a reason. The notice period is usually two months.
  • Section 8 Notice: If the landlord has grounds for eviction (e.g., rent arrears, property damage), a Section 8 notice can be served. The notice period varies depending on the grounds for eviction.


  • Fixed-Term Tenancies: The notice must be served at least two months before the end of the fixed term.
  • Periodic Tenancies: For periodic tenancies (rolling month-by-month agreements), the notice can be served at any time, but the tenant must be given at least two months' notice.

Validity of Notice


  • Deposit Protection: The tenant's deposit must be protected in a government-approved scheme, and the prescribed information must be provided to the tenant.
  • Correct Documentation: Ensure that the notice is correctly filled out and complies with all legal requirements.

Reasons for Non-Renewal


  • Property Sale: The landlord may wish to sell the property.
  • Personal Use: The landlord or their family members may need to move into the property.
  • Property Refurbishment: The property may need significant renovations or repairs.
  • Unsatisfactory Tenants: Issues such as rent arrears, property damage, or anti-social behavior may influence the decision.

Steps for Landlords When Not Renewing a Tenancy

1. Serve the Appropriate Notice

Choose the Correct Notice

  • Section 21 Notice: Use for no-fault eviction.
  • Section 8 Notice: Use if there are specific grounds for eviction.

2. Communicate with the Tenant

Clear Communication

  • Inform the Tenant: Notify the tenant in writing and provide a clear explanation of the next steps.
  • Maintain Professionalism: Keep communications professional and courteous.

3. Prepare for Tenant Move-Out

Final Arrangements

  • Inspection: Schedule a final inspection of the property with the tenant.
  • Deposit Return: Arrange for the return of the tenant's deposit, making any necessary deductions for damages or unpaid rent.

4. Legal Follow-Up


  • Court Proceedings: If the tenant refuses to leave after the notice period, you may need to start court proceedings for eviction.
  • Legal Advice: Consider seeking legal advice to ensure compliance with all regulations and procedures.

Key Considerations for Tenants

Understanding Your Rights

Notice Period

  • Minimum Notice: The landlord must give at least two months' notice for ASTs.
  • Fixed-Term Protection: If you are within a fixed-term tenancy, the landlord can only end the tenancy under specific circumstances or mutual agreement.

Preparing for Move-Out

Finding a New Home

  • Search Early: Start searching for a new property as soon as you receive notice.
  • Legal Advice: Seek legal advice if you believe the notice is unfair or incorrect.

End of Tenancy Responsibilities

Property Condition

  • Cleaning: Ensure the property is cleaned to a good standard.
  • Repairs: Make any necessary repairs to avoid deductions from your deposit.

Deposit Return

Final Inspection

  • Attend Inspection: Attend the final inspection and agree on any deductions with the landlord.
  • Dispute Resolution: Use the tenancy deposit protection scheme's dispute resolution service if you disagree with any deductions.

How Fraser Bond Can Assist

For Landlords

Notice and Eviction Support

  • Legal Compliance: Ensure all notices are served correctly and comply with legal requirements.
  • Tenant Communication: Assist with clear and professional communication to tenants.

For Tenants

Rights and Advice

  • Legal Advice: Provide advice on your rights and help contest unfair eviction notices.
  • Moving Assistance: Support in finding new rental properties and navigating the end-of-tenancy process.

End of Tenancy Services

Comprehensive Support

  • Final Inspections: Assist with final inspections and resolving any disputes over deposits.
  • Property Management: Offer property management services to ensure a smooth transition between tenants.

Contact Fraser Bond to learn more about how we can assist you in managing tenancy renewals and end-of-tenancy processes.


When a landlord decides not to renew a tenancy, it's crucial for both parties to understand their rights and responsibilities. Landlords must comply with legal requirements and provide proper notice, while tenants should prepare for the move and ensure the property is left in good condition. Fraser Bond offers comprehensive support to both landlords and tenants, ensuring a smooth and compliant end-of-tenancy process. Contact us today to discuss your needs and find out how we can assist you.

Explore End of Tenancy Services with Fraser Bond: Learn More