Removing Property Restrictions in the UK: Expert Guide

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Discover how to remove restrictive covenants, easements, and legal charges on your property in the UK. Fraser Bond provides comprehensive services to assist you throughout the process.

How to Remove a Restriction on Property in the UK: A Step-by-Step Guide


Restrictions on property can be a significant obstacle for property owners and potential buyers. These restrictions can take various forms, including restrictive covenants, easements, or legal charges, and they can limit what you can do with your property. Understanding how to remove these restrictions is crucial for maximizing the value and utility of your property. This guide will explain the types of property restrictions, the process for removing them, and how Fraser Bond can assist you throughout this process.

Types of Property Restrictions

  1. Restrictive Covenants:

    • These are conditions written into the property deeds that restrict how the property can be used. For example, they may prevent certain types of development or business activities.
  2. Easements:

    • Easements grant rights to others to use part of your property for specific purposes, such as a right of way or utility access.
  3. Legal Charges:

    • These are financial claims on the property, such as a mortgage or a lien, which need to be cleared before the property can be sold or transferred.
  4. Planning Restrictions:

    • Local authority planning restrictions can limit what you can build or modify on your property.

Steps to Remove a Restriction on Property

  1. Identify the Restriction:

    • The first step is to identify the specific restriction affecting your property. This can typically be found in the property deeds, the Land Registry title, or through a local authority search.
  2. Understand the Terms:

    • Thoroughly understand the terms and conditions of the restriction. Legal advice from a property solicitor can be invaluable in this step.
  3. Consult with Affected Parties:

    • If the restriction is a covenant or easement, you may need to negotiate with the benefiting parties. For instance, you might need to obtain consent or agree to compensation.
  4. Apply to Modify or Discharge the Restriction:

    • For restrictive covenants, you can apply to the Lands Tribunal (Upper Tribunal) to modify or discharge the covenant. You must demonstrate that the covenant is obsolete, impedes reasonable use of the land, or that the benefiting parties consent to its removal.
    • For planning restrictions, you can apply to the local planning authority for a modification or removal of the restriction.
  5. Clear Legal Charges:

    • To remove legal charges, such as mortgages, you will need to pay off the outstanding amount or reach a settlement with the creditor.
  6. Register Changes with the Land Registry:

    • Once a restriction is removed or modified, you must register the changes with the Land Registry. This involves submitting the appropriate forms and supporting documentation.

How Fraser Bond Can Assist

At Fraser Bond, we understand that removing property restrictions can be a complex and time-consuming process. Our expert team provides comprehensive services to help you navigate this process efficiently:

  1. Legal Consultation:

    • Our property solicitors offer expert advice on the nature of the restriction and the best approach to remove it.
  2. Negotiation Support:

    • We assist in negotiating with benefiting parties, ensuring you achieve the best possible outcome.
  3. Tribunal Applications:

    • Our team can prepare and submit applications to the Lands Tribunal, representing your interests throughout the process.
  4. Planning Applications:

    • We handle applications to local planning authorities, advocating for the modification or removal of planning restrictions.
  5. Financial Solutions:

    • We provide advice on clearing legal charges, including arranging for refinancing or settlement negotiations.
  6. Land Registry Updates:

    • Fraser Bond manages the process of updating the Land Registry, ensuring all changes are accurately recorded.


Removing a restriction on property in the UK requires a clear understanding of the restriction type, a strategic approach, and often, professional assistance. Fraser Bond is dedicated to helping property owners overcome these challenges, offering expert advice and comprehensive support throughout the process. Contact us today to learn how we can assist you in removing property restrictions and unlocking the full potential of your property.