Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order: Comprehensive Guide

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Understanding the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order: A Comprehensive Guide


The Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order is a key piece of legislation in the UK that categorizes various types of property uses. This guide provides an overview of the Use Classes Order, explaining the different classes, their significance, and how Fraser Bond can assist you in navigating planning regulations effectively.

What is the Use Classes Order?


The Use Classes Order categorizes types of land and buildings into specific classes based on their use. It is designed to streamline the planning process by simplifying the rules around changing the use of properties.


  • Simplify Planning: Provides a clear framework for property use and changes of use without requiring planning permission.
  • Regulate Development: Helps control the development and use of land to ensure it aligns with local and national planning policies.

Overview of Use Classes

Class E – Commercial, Business and Service


  • E(a): Display or retail sale of goods, other than hot food.
  • E(b): Sale of food and drink for consumption (mostly) on the premises.
  • E(c): Financial services, professional services (other than health or medical services), or other appropriate services in a commercial, business, or service locality.
  • E(d): Indoor sport, recreation, or fitness.
  • E(e): Medical or health services (except the use of premises attached to the residence of the consultant or practitioner).
  • E(f): Creche, day nursery, or day center (not including a residential use).
  • E(g): Uses which can be carried out in a residential area without detriment to its amenity:
    • E(g)(i): Offices to carry out any operational or administrative functions.
    • E(g)(ii): Research and development of products or processes.
    • E(g)(iii): Industrial processes.

Class F – Local Community and Learning


  • F1: Learning and non-residential institutions.
    • F1(a): Provision of education.
    • F1(b): Display of works of art (otherwise than for sale or hire).
    • F1(c): Museums.
    • F1(d): Public libraries or public reading rooms.
    • F1(e): Public halls or exhibition halls.
    • F1(f): Public worship or religious instruction (or in connection with such use).
    • F1(g): Law courts.
  • F2: Local community.
    • F2(a): Shops selling mostly essential goods, including food, where there is no other such facility within 1,000 metres.
    • F2(b): Halls or meeting places for the principal use of the local community.
    • F2(c): Areas or places for outdoor sport or recreation (not involving motorized vehicles or firearms).
    • F2(d): Indoor or outdoor swimming pools or skating rinks.

Sui Generis – Unique Uses


  • Pubs and Bars: Drinking establishments.
  • Takeaways: Hot food takeaways.
  • Cinemas: Theatres, concert halls, and live music venues.
  • Gambling: Casinos and betting offices.
  • Hostels: Not used by a single household.
  • Fuel Stations: Selling and distributing motor fuel.

Implications of Use Classes

Change of Use

Planning Permission

  • Permitted Changes: Certain changes within the same use class do not require planning permission.
  • Material Change: Changes between use classes typically require planning permission.

Planning Applications

Submitting Applications

  • Documentation: Detailed documentation outlining the proposed change and its impact.
  • Consultation: Potential need for public consultation and addressing objections.



  • Regular Inspections: Ensuring ongoing compliance with planning regulations.
  • Penalties: Possible fines and enforcement actions for unauthorized changes.

How Fraser Bond Can Assist You

Expert Planning Advice

Comprehensive Support

  • Planning Guidance: Provide expert advice on planning regulations and Use Classes Order implications.
  • Application Assistance: Assist with preparing and submitting planning applications.

Property Assessment

Detailed Analysis

  • Site Evaluation: Conduct thorough assessments to determine suitable uses for your property.
  • Compliance Check: Ensure proposed uses comply with current planning regulations.

Change of Use Applications

Strategic Planning

  • Feasibility Studies: Evaluate the feasibility of proposed changes of use.
  • Application Management: Handle all aspects of the change of use application process.

Legal and Regulatory Support

Professional Guidance

  • Legal Compliance: Ensure all legal requirements are met for property use and development.
  • Regulatory Updates: Keep you informed of any changes in planning regulations and their impact on your property.

Contact Fraser Bond to learn more about how we can assist you with planning and development needs.


Understanding the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order is essential for navigating the planning process effectively. Whether you are looking to change the use of a property or ensure compliance with existing regulations, Fraser Bond offers comprehensive support and expertise. Contact us today to discuss your planning and development needs and find out how we can assist you.

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