Understanding Cleaning Deductions from Deposits: UK Landlord and Tenant Guide

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Discover when landlords can deduct cleaning costs from deposits and how tenants can protect their deposits. Get expert guidance from Fraser Bond on fair deposit handling.

Can a Landlord Take a Deposit for Cleaning in the UK?


In the UK, landlords can withhold a portion of a tenant's deposit to cover the costs of cleaning if the property is left in an unclean state that goes beyond normal wear and tear. However, there are specific guidelines and legal requirements that must be followed to ensure fairness. This guide explains when and how a landlord can take a deposit for cleaning, what constitutes fair wear and tear, and how tenants can protect their deposits.

Legal Framework for Deposit Deductions

  1. Tenancy Deposit Protection (TDP):

    • Landlords in England and Wales must protect tenant deposits in a government-approved tenancy deposit scheme (TDP) within 30 days of receipt. The main schemes are the Deposit Protection Service (DPS), MyDeposits, and the Tenancy Deposit Scheme (TDS).
    • The TDP scheme ensures that deposits are handled fairly and provides a resolution service for disputes over deposit deductions.
  2. Fair Wear and Tear vs. Damage:

    • Fair Wear and Tear: Normal deterioration that occurs from everyday use of the property. Landlords cannot charge for cleaning or repairs related to fair wear and tear.
    • Damage and Uncleanliness: If the property is left dirty or in a state of disrepair beyond normal wear and tear, landlords can make reasonable deductions from the deposit to cover cleaning and repairs.

When Can a Landlord Deduct for Cleaning?

  1. End of Tenancy Condition:

    • The property should be left in a similar state of cleanliness as it was at the beginning of the tenancy. This includes all areas such as kitchens, bathrooms, carpets, and communal areas.
  2. Inventory Check-In and Check-Out Reports:

    • Detailed inventory reports, including photos, should be conducted at the start and end of the tenancy. These reports document the property's condition and help resolve disputes over cleanliness and damage.
  3. Unreasonable Cleaning Costs:

    • Deductions must be reasonable and reflect the actual cost of cleaning. Landlords cannot charge excessive fees or make deductions for cleaning that was not necessary.
  4. Professional Cleaning Clauses:

    • Clauses in the tenancy agreement requiring professional cleaning at the end of the tenancy are no longer enforceable unless it can be proven that the property was professionally cleaned before the tenant moved in.

How Tenants Can Protect Their Deposit

  1. Cleaning Before Moving Out:

    • Tenants should thoroughly clean the property before moving out. This includes deep cleaning carpets, kitchens, bathrooms, and removing all personal belongings and rubbish.
  2. Documenting the Condition:

    • Take photos and videos of the property after cleaning to document its condition. This can provide evidence if there is a dispute over cleaning deductions.
  3. Understanding the Tenancy Agreement:

    • Review the tenancy agreement to understand the cleaning requirements and expectations. Complying with these terms can help avoid disputes.
  4. Attending the Check-Out Inspection:

    • Attend the check-out inspection to discuss any issues directly with the landlord or letting agent. This can help resolve potential disputes on the spot.
  5. Dispute Resolution:

    • If a landlord makes an unreasonable deduction, tenants can raise a dispute with the tenancy deposit scheme. The scheme's dispute resolution service will review the evidence and make a fair decision.

How Fraser Bond Can Assist

At Fraser Bond, we provide comprehensive support to both landlords and tenants in managing end-of-tenancy processes and ensuring fair handling of deposits:

  1. Inventory Services:

    • We conduct thorough inventory inspections at check-in and check-out, providing detailed reports and photographic evidence to document the property's condition.
  2. End-of-Tenancy Support:

    • Our team assists tenants in understanding their obligations and preparing the property for the end of the tenancy, ensuring compliance with cleaning requirements.
  3. Dispute Resolution:

    • We offer mediation services to resolve disputes between landlords and tenants amicably. If necessary, we guide tenants through the dispute resolution process with the tenancy deposit scheme.
  4. Legal Advice:

    • Our experts provide legal advice on tenancy agreements, deposit protection, and fair wear and tear, ensuring that both landlords and tenants are well-informed and protected.


Landlords in the UK can make reasonable deductions from a tenant's deposit for cleaning if the property is not left in an acceptable condition at the end of the tenancy. However, these deductions must be fair, justified, and supported by evidence. Tenants can protect their deposits by thoroughly cleaning the property, documenting its condition, and understanding their tenancy agreement. Fraser Bond is dedicated to providing expert guidance and support to ensure fair and legal handling of deposits for both landlords and tenants. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you.