Understanding Landlord Credit Checks: Information and Tips

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Discover what information landlords see in a credit check and how to manage your credit report for a successful rental application. Get expert guidance from Fraser Bond.

What Do Landlords See in a Credit Check? Understanding the Process in the UK


When applying to rent a property in the UK, landlords or letting agents often conduct credit checks to assess a prospective tenant’s financial stability and reliability. Understanding what landlords see in a credit check can help you prepare and ensure a smooth rental application process. This guide explores what information is typically included in a credit check, how it affects your rental application, and how you can manage your credit report.

What Information Do Landlords See in a Credit Check?

  1. Credit Score:

    • A credit score is a numerical representation of your creditworthiness. It is calculated based on various factors, including your payment history, credit utilization, length of credit history, and types of credit. While the exact score may not always be shown, the credit report will indicate your overall credit health.
  2. Credit History:

    • Landlords can see a detailed history of your credit accounts, including credit cards, loans, mortgages, and other lines of credit. This includes:
      • Account Status: Whether the accounts are open or closed.
      • Payment History: Records of your payments, highlighting any late or missed payments.
      • Credit Limits and Balances: The amount of credit you have available and the outstanding balances on your accounts.
  3. Public Records:

    • Certain public records that impact your financial standing are included in a credit check, such as:
      • Bankruptcies: Records of any bankruptcy filings.
      • County Court Judgments (CCJs): Legal judgments for debt that you have not paid.
  4. Electoral Roll Information:

    • Being on the electoral roll at your current address helps verify your identity and stability. It shows where you have lived and whether you are registered to vote.
  5. Financial Associations:

    • Any financial associations with other individuals, such as joint bank accounts or co-signed loans, are visible. This can affect your credit report if the associated person has poor credit.
  6. Search History:

    • The report may include a record of recent credit searches made by other organizations. While landlords can see these searches, they typically do not impact your credit score unless there are an excessive number of hard searches in a short period.

How Does a Credit Check Affect Your Rental Application?

  1. Assessing Financial Reliability:

    • Landlords use credit checks to assess your ability to pay rent consistently and on time. A good credit score and a positive credit history indicate financial reliability.
  2. Identifying Risk Factors:

    • Issues like missed payments, high debt levels, CCJs, or bankruptcies can be red flags for landlords, suggesting potential financial instability.
  3. Verification of Information:

    • Credit checks help verify the information you provide in your rental application, such as your address history and financial background.

Preparing for a Credit Check

  1. Check Your Credit Report:

    • Before applying for a rental property, check your credit report to understand what landlords will see. You can obtain a free copy of your credit report from major credit reference agencies like Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion.
  2. Address Issues:

    • If you find any inaccuracies or issues in your credit report, address them promptly. Correct any errors and settle outstanding debts if possible.
  3. Register on the Electoral Roll:

    • Ensure you are registered on the electoral roll at your current address, as this helps verify your identity and stability.
  4. Manage Your Credit Utilization:

    • Aim to keep your credit utilization ratio (the amount of credit you use compared to your credit limit) low, ideally below 30%.
  5. Explain Negative Marks:

    • If there are negative marks on your credit report, be prepared to explain them to the landlord. Providing context and showing steps you have taken to resolve issues can help mitigate concerns.

How Fraser Bond Can Assist

At Fraser Bond, we understand the importance of a smooth rental application process and offer comprehensive support to both tenants and landlords:

  1. Tenant Screening:

    • We conduct thorough tenant screenings, including credit checks, to ensure landlords find reliable tenants while helping tenants understand and prepare for the process.
  2. Credit Report Assistance:

    • Our team provides guidance on obtaining and reviewing your credit report, addressing any issues, and improving your credit standing.
  3. Communication Facilitation:

    • We facilitate clear communication between tenants and landlords, helping to explain any concerns that arise from credit checks.
  4. Ongoing Support:

    • We offer ongoing support throughout the tenancy, ensuring both parties have a positive rental experience.


A landlord’s credit check provides a comprehensive view of your financial history and reliability, helping them make informed decisions about your rental application. By understanding what landlords see in a credit check and taking steps to maintain a positive credit profile, you can improve your chances of securing a rental property. Fraser Bond is here to support you throughout the rental process, offering expert advice and comprehensive services to ensure a successful tenancy. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you.