Will the Council Rehouse Me If I Get Evicted? Comprehensive Guide

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Will the Council Rehouse Me if I Get Evicted? A Comprehensive Guide


Facing eviction is a stressful and challenging experience. Understanding your rights and the assistance available to you is crucial. This guide provides an overview of whether the council will rehouse you if you get evicted, the process involved, key considerations, and how Fraser Bond can assist you in navigating this situation.

Understanding Your Rights and the Council's Responsibilities

Legal Framework

Housing Legislation

  • Homelessness Act 2002: Councils have a duty to provide advice and assistance to individuals at risk of homelessness.
  • Homelessness Reduction Act 2017: Introduced to ensure councils take earlier action to prevent homelessness.

Priority Need

Who Qualifies?

  • Vulnerable Individuals: Pregnant women, families with dependent children, individuals with serious health conditions, and those who are vulnerable due to old age or other factors.
  • Threatened with Homelessness: You must be considered legally homeless or at risk of becoming homeless within 56 days.

Steps to Take If You're Facing Eviction

Seek Advice and Support

Early Action

  • Contact the Council: Inform your local council as soon as you receive an eviction notice.
  • Legal Advice: Seek legal advice to understand your rights and any potential defenses against eviction.

Assessment by the Council

Homelessness Application

  • Personal Circumstances: The council will assess your personal circumstances, including your vulnerability and housing history.
  • Priority Need Evaluation: Determine if you meet the criteria for priority need.

Temporary Accommodation

Immediate Assistance

  • Emergency Housing: If you qualify, the council may provide temporary accommodation while assessing your case.
  • Safety and Suitability: The accommodation should be safe and suitable for your needs.

Long-Term Housing Solutions

Council's Duty

  • Prevention Duty: The council will work with you to prevent homelessness by negotiating with your landlord or finding alternative accommodation.
  • Relief Duty: If homelessness cannot be prevented, the council has a duty to help you secure alternative housing.

Key Considerations


Providing Evidence

  • Eviction Notice: Provide a copy of the eviction notice to the council.
  • Personal Details: Include identification documents, proof of income, and any medical evidence if applicable.


Working with the Council

  • Engagement: Actively engage with the council's housing officers and follow their advice.
  • Compliance: Comply with any reasonable requests for additional information or actions.

Potential Outcomes

Housing Solutions

  • Council Housing: If eligible, you may be offered a council or housing association property.
  • Private Rental Sector: The council may assist you in securing a property in the private rental sector, potentially with financial support for deposits and rent.

How Fraser Bond Can Assist You

Expert Guidance

Comprehensive Support

  • Initial Consultation: Provide an initial consultation to understand your housing situation and needs.
  • Legal Advice: Offer expert legal advice on eviction and homelessness rights.

Housing Assistance

Finding Solutions

  • Property Sourcing: Assist in finding suitable accommodation, whether through council housing or the private rental sector.
  • Negotiation: Help negotiate with landlords and councils to secure housing solutions.

Ongoing Support

Continued Assistance

  • Tenant Support: Provide ongoing support and advice throughout the rehousing process.
  • Legal Representation: Offer legal representation if needed to challenge wrongful eviction or housing decisions.

Contact Fraser Bond to learn more about how we can assist you if you are facing eviction.


If you are facing eviction, understanding your rights and the council's responsibilities is crucial. Early action, cooperation with the council, and seeking expert advice can significantly improve your chances of being rehoused. Fraser Bond provides comprehensive support to help you navigate the complexities of eviction and rehousing, ensuring you receive the assistance you need. Contact us today to discuss your situation and find out how we can help.

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