Contractual Periodic Tenancy Explained: Benefits and Management

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Understanding Contractual Periodic Tenancy: A Comprehensive Guide


A contractual periodic tenancy is a type of rental agreement that continues on a periodic basis (e.g., month-to-month or week-to-week) after the initial fixed term expires. This guide provides an overview of contractual periodic tenancies, their benefits and drawbacks, key considerations for both landlords and tenants, and how Fraser Bond can assist you in managing or entering into such agreements.

What is a Contractual Periodic Tenancy?


  • Contractual Periodic Tenancy: A tenancy agreement that continues on a periodic basis after the initial fixed term ends, with the period (e.g., monthly or weekly) specified in the contract.

How it Works

  • Fixed Term: Initially starts with a fixed-term lease (e.g., 6 or 12 months).
  • Periodic Continuation: Automatically continues on a periodic basis as specified in the original contract, without the need for a new agreement.

Differences from Statutory Periodic Tenancy

  • Contractual: Terms and conditions are outlined in the original tenancy agreement.
  • Statutory: Arises automatically when the fixed-term lease expires and no new agreement is signed, governed by statutory provisions.

Benefits of Contractual Periodic Tenancy

For Tenants


  • Ease of Termination: Allows for more flexibility to move out with shorter notice periods (typically one rental period, e.g., one month).
  • No New Agreement Needed: Continues automatically without the need for negotiating a new lease.

For Landlords

Continuous Occupancy

  • Reduced Vacancy Risk: Ensures continuous rental income without the need for new lease agreements.
  • Simplified Management: Reduces administrative tasks associated with renewing fixed-term leases.

Drawbacks of Contractual Periodic Tenancy

For Tenants

Less Stability

  • Short Notice: Landlords can also terminate the tenancy with relatively short notice, providing less security compared to a fixed-term lease.

For Landlords


  • Potential Vacancy: Higher risk of sudden vacancies if tenants decide to leave with short notice.
  • Frequent Turnover: Potentially higher turnover rate, requiring more frequent tenant searches and property preparations.

Key Considerations

Notice Periods

Understanding Requirements

  • Tenant Notice: Typically one rental period (e.g., one month’s notice for a monthly tenancy).
  • Landlord Notice: Must comply with legal requirements, often longer than tenant notice (e.g., two months in the UK under Section 21 of the Housing Act 1988).

Rent Adjustments

Managing Changes

  • Review Clause: Ensure the tenancy agreement includes a clause for rent reviews and adjustments.
  • Fair Increases: Rent increases must comply with legal guidelines and be fair and reasonable.

Legal and Regulatory Compliance

Ensuring Adherence

  • Contract Terms: All terms must comply with local rental laws and regulations.
  • Tenant Rights: Ensure tenants are aware of their rights and obligations under the tenancy agreement.

Property Maintenance

Ongoing Responsibilities

  • Regular Inspections: Conduct regular property inspections to ensure maintenance and compliance with tenancy terms.
  • Repair Obligations: Clearly outline repair and maintenance responsibilities in the tenancy agreement.

How Fraser Bond Can Assist You

For Tenants

Comprehensive Support

  • Finding Properties: Assist in finding suitable rental properties with contractual periodic tenancy options.
  • Lease Review: Review tenancy agreements to ensure terms are fair and compliant with legal standards.
  • Tenant Rights: Provide advice on tenant rights and responsibilities.

For Landlords

Efficient Management

  • Property Marketing: Help market properties to attract reliable tenants for contractual periodic tenancies.
  • Tenant Screening: Conduct thorough tenant screening to ensure reliable occupancy.
  • Lease Drafting: Draft clear and compliant tenancy agreements.
  • Rent Collection: Provide efficient rent collection and management services.

Legal and Regulatory Assistance

Ensuring Compliance

  • Contract Review: Assist with reviewing and drafting tenancy contracts to ensure legal compliance.
  • Regulation Updates: Keep you informed about changes in rental laws and regulations.

Contact Fraser Bond to learn more about how we can assist you in managing or entering into a contractual periodic tenancy.


A contractual periodic tenancy offers flexibility and continuous occupancy benefits, making it an attractive option for both landlords and tenants. By understanding the key aspects, including notice periods, rent adjustments, and legal compliance, you can effectively manage or enter into such agreements. Fraser Bond provides comprehensive support to help landlords and tenants navigate the complexities of contractual periodic tenancies, ensuring a smooth and successful rental experience. Contact us today to discuss your needs and find out how we can assist you.

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