Guide to Buying Property When Self-Employed

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A Guide to Buying Property When Self-Employed with Fraser Bond


Buying a property is a significant milestone, but for self-employed individuals, the process can seem more complex. Without the traditional employment verification methods, self-employed buyers often face additional scrutiny from lenders. However, with proper preparation and guidance, securing a mortgage and buying your dream property is entirely achievable. Join Fraser Bond as we explore the steps and considerations for buying a property when self-employed, and how our expert team can assist you through the process.

Understanding the Challenges

1. Income Verification:

  • Lenders typically require proof of steady income, which can be more challenging for self-employed individuals with fluctuating earnings.

2. Higher Documentation Requirements:

  • You may need to provide additional documentation, such as tax returns, business accounts, and contracts, to prove your income stability.

3. Perceived Risk:

  • Lenders often view self-employed individuals as higher risk compared to salaried employees, potentially leading to stricter lending criteria or higher interest rates.

Steps to Buying a Property When Self-Employed

1. Organize Your Financial Records:

Tax Returns:

  • Prepare at least two to three years of tax returns, showing consistent income and profitability.

Business Accounts:

  • Have up-to-date and professionally prepared business accounts, including profit and loss statements.

Contracts and Invoices:

  • Gather contracts and invoices from clients to demonstrate future income prospects.

2. Improve Your Credit Score:

Pay Off Debts:

  • Reduce outstanding debts to improve your creditworthiness.

Timely Payments:

  • Ensure all bills and debts are paid on time to maintain a good credit history.

Check Credit Report:

  • Review your credit report for errors and rectify any discrepancies.

3. Save for a Larger Deposit:

Higher Deposit:

  • Saving a larger deposit (typically 20% or more) can increase your chances of securing a mortgage and may result in better interest rates.

4. Choose the Right Lender:

Specialist Lenders:

  • Some lenders specialize in mortgages for self-employed individuals and understand the nuances of your financial situation.

Mortgage Broker:

  • Consider using a mortgage broker who can connect you with lenders that are more favorable to self-employed applicants.

5. Prepare a Solid Business Plan:

Future Projections:

  • Create a business plan that includes future income projections to demonstrate the stability and growth potential of your business.

6. Seek Professional Advice:

Financial Advisor:

  • Consult with a financial advisor who can help you organize your finances and improve your mortgage application.

Tax Advisor:

  • Work with a tax advisor to ensure your financial records and tax returns are accurately prepared and optimized.

Example Scenario: Self-Employed Buyer


  • John is a freelance graphic designer with an annual income of £50,000. He has been self-employed for three years and is looking to buy a property worth £300,000.

Steps John Took:

  1. Organized Financial Records:

    • John prepared three years of tax returns and business accounts, showing a steady income.
    • He gathered contracts from long-term clients to demonstrate future income stability.
  2. Improved Credit Score:

    • John paid off his credit card debt and ensured all bills were paid on time.
    • He checked his credit report for errors and corrected them.
  3. Saved for a Larger Deposit:

    • John saved £60,000, providing a 20% deposit for the property.
  4. Chose the Right Lender:

    • John used a mortgage broker who specialized in self-employed mortgages and found a lender with favorable terms.
  5. Prepared a Business Plan:

    • John created a business plan with future income projections to reassure the lender of his business’s stability.
  6. Sought Professional Advice:

    • John consulted with a financial advisor and tax advisor to ensure his financial records were in order and his tax returns optimized.


  • John successfully secured a mortgage with a competitive interest rate and purchased his dream property.

Why Choose Fraser Bond?

Expert Guidance:

  • Our team provides expert advice tailored to self-employed individuals, helping you navigate the complexities of buying a property.

Comprehensive Services:

  • From property search and valuation to mortgage advice and legal assistance, we offer a full range of services to support you through the process.

In-Depth Market Knowledge:

  • Our expertise in the UK property market ensures you receive the best guidance and support throughout your property purchase.

Personalized Solutions:

  • We offer bespoke solutions that cater to your specific needs and financial situation, ensuring you find the perfect property.


Buying a property when self-employed requires careful preparation and a thorough understanding of the mortgage process. By organizing your financial records, improving your credit score, saving for a larger deposit, and seeking professional advice, you can enhance your chances of securing a mortgage and purchasing your dream home. Fraser Bond is here to provide expert guidance and comprehensive services to support you through every step of the journey. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you in buying a property when self-employed.