Why Every Homeowner Should Use a Subsidence Risk Postcode Checker

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Why Every Homeowner Should Use a Subsidence Risk Postcode Checker

Are you a homeowner? Whether you're planning to buy a new property or have been living in your dream home for years, there's one thing every homeowner should be aware of: subsidence risk. Yes, it may sound like something out of a science fiction movie, but the truth is that subsidence can happen to any property, anywhere. But fear not! In this blog post, we'll introduce you to the ultimate tool that every homeowner should use - the Subsidence Risk Postcode Checker. Stay tuned as we explore why this handy tool is an absolute game-changer when it comes to protecting your investment and ensuring peace of mind for years to come.

What is a Subsidence Risk Postcode Checker?

Subsidence is the gradual sinking of land. This can happen for a variety of reasons, including: - rainfall and drought cycles - natural compaction of soils - mining or other underground activity - extraction of groundwater - leaching of soils (e.g. due to tree roots) A subsidence risk postcode checker is a tool that allows you to input your postcode and find out the likelihood of your area being affected by subsidence. This is important information for any homeowner, as subsidence can cause serious damage to your property. There are a number of factors that contribute to the risk of subsidence in an area, including: - the type of soil present - the local climate (rainfall and drought cycles) - the depth to groundwater - the proximity to mines or other underground activity Understanding these factors can help you to assess the risk posed by subsidence in your area and take steps to protect your property accordingly.

Benefits of Using a Subsidence Risk Postcode Checker

There are many benefits to using a subsidence risk postcode checker when purchasing a home. By doing a simple search online, you can determine the level of risk for any given property. This information can help you make an informed decision about whether or not to purchase the home. Additionally, if you do decide to purchase the home, you can use the information from the subsidence risk postcode checker to negotiate a better price.

How to Use a Subsidence Risk Postcode Checker

There are a number of ways to find out if your home is at risk of subsidence. One way is to use a subsidence risk postcode checker. A subsidence risk postcode checker is a tool that allows you to enter your postcode and then gives you an indication of the risk of subsidence in your area. The higher the risk, the more likely it is that your home could be affected by subsidence. The first step is to visit the website of a reputable company that offers this service. Once you are on the website, locate the postcode checker and enter your postcode into the box provided. After you have done this, click on the ‘search’ button. The results of the search will give you an indication of the level of risk in your area. It is important to remember that this is only an indication and not a guarantee that your home will or will not be affected by subsidence. If you are concerned about the level of risk in your area, you can contact a professional surveyor who can carry out a detailed assessment of your property and provide advice on what steps you can take to reduce the risk of subsidence.

Resources for Homeowners to Monitor Potential Risk Factors

There are a few things that every homeowner can do to monitor potential risk factors for subsidence. Here are some resources to help you get started: The British Geological Survey has a website with information on the geology of the UK, including maps of areas at risk of subsidence. The Environment Agency also has a website with information on flood risks in England. Your local authority should have records of any previous subsidence incidents in your area. If you think your property is at risk of subsidence, you should get a professional opinion from a structural engineer or surveyor.

What to Do If Your Home is at Risk of Subsidence

If your home is at risk of subsidence, it is important to take action to protect your investment. There are a few things you can do to mitigate the risk of subsidence, and these should be done as soon as possible. 1. Have your property regularly checked for signs of subsidence. This can be done by a professional surveyor or engineer, and will help you identify any potential problems early on. 2. Make sure your foundations are in good condition and well-maintained. If you have any cracks in your foundation walls, get them repaired as soon as possible. 3. Keep an eye on trees and shrubs near your property, as they can cause subsidence if their roots grow beneath your foundation. Make sure they are trimmed back regularly to prevent this from happening. 4. If you notice any cracks in your walls or floors, do not ignore them – contact a professional immediately to assess the situation and determine the best course of action. 5. Be aware of the risks associated with building extensions or making other changes to your property that could affect its structural integrity. Get expert advice before making any alterations, to ensure that you do not inadvertently put your home at risk of subsidence.


Subsidence is something that no homeowner wants to experience. With a subsidence risk postcode checker, you can quickly determine whether your home is at risk and take steps to protect it from the potential damage of subsidence. By investing in a subsidence risk postcode checker, every homeowner can stay informed about their own property’s risks and make sure that they are taking the necessary precautions for protecting their home against any possible subsidence issues.